Really falls short if you need a window for wideband measuements greater than about 200 kHz. I looked at it and it would probably do fine for my purposes since it's got good RBW characteristics and I do a lot of experimental oscillator work. Someone earlier mentioned the Signal Hound. This BPF is already get the results,so I can check the performance of DSA815-TG. Anyway,when I receive it,I will measure my homebrew 7MHz BPF(BW 100kHz,-6dB,insertion loss 5.5dB). My concerns is rather Tracking generator's frequency accuracy,whether we can manually change TG's frequency to just center frequency,or TG's frequency is no problem,once calibrating. Usually TG level of SA is from-50dBm to 0dBm.

Everybody maybe notice that,TG level is only from -20dBm to 0dBm. If DSA815-TG is no problem,I will release R3361B.It is too heavy.LOL Now,I am waiting for DSA815-TG. Even though R3361B is old one,but it has quasi-peak detector up to 3.6GHz,but I am HAM,so I only use as my hobby experiment. I usually only use R3361B's normal detector,I think it is peak detector. I don't know the difference of noise floor between peak-detector and sample detector,sorry. My R3361B can't set up 0dB attenuation actually.only from 10dB. But,even if the internal attenuator is set up 10dB,almost noise floor is same,because the ordinary SA's IF amplifier automatically compensate it. Quote from: swallowtail333 on May 04, 2012, 09:14:12 am This example,Attn 0dB.